Airwars: Digital advocacy tools
Strike Map
Since August 2014, the US-led Coalition declared the date and nearest population centre for 30,801 air and artillery strikes in Iraq and Syria against so-called Islamic State. During this time the Coalition admitted to causing over one thousand civilian deaths. In December 2018, without reason, it stopped saying where or when it bombed—making it impossible to know who is responsible for civilian deaths and injuries. Airwars has tracked and mapped every known strike. We ask the US and its allies. Reverse the decisions. Restore accountability.
Source: Airwars
Data wrangling, script and art direction: Sophie Dyer
Design and development: Rectangle
War in Numbers
On the five year anniversary of the international war against the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, here is a visual guide to the conflict and its untold impact on civilians.
Source: Airwars
Data wrangling, script and art direction: Sophie Dyer
Design and development: Rectangle
Victim in Focus
The Victim in Focus feature on Airwars’ homepage tells the individual story of different alleged civilian casualty every week. The story is automatically generated from Airwars’ database of named victims, leaving researchers to add additional details and select an image when appropriate, before publishing to the site.
Source: Airwars
Data wrangling and art direction: Sophie Dyer
Design and development: Rectangle
Excerpt from a visualisation created to mark end of transparency from the US-led Coalition in Iraq and Syria. On Twitter the video received over 1.5 thousand retweets, and it had similar success on Facebook.
Excerpt from a visualisation created to mark the five year anniversary of the international war on ISIS